
Role of model serving engineering activities was significantly increased by recent advances in system organized smart cyber physical system (CPS). The conventional physical level model was replaced by system eligible model in which functional and logical levels are capable of system representation using methodology from systems engineering (SE). In this industrially approved virtual technology virtual execution of model is done before any decision of physical level components of CPS. Recently, model is awaited to support situation driven decision on real time physical actions in CPS and to be eligible for continuous engineering (CE). Fortunately, industrial engineering eligible modeling platforms are emerging to serve the changed scenario. Main contribution by this paper is about idea, place, methodology, and implementation of smart driving content structure (SDCS) which is proposed to assist decision on model objects and their parameters in functional and logical level components of CPS model. SDCS is a possible new unit in model system of CPS to assist organized driving of model objects by organized driving content. Main novel feature of the SDCS is its extension to situation related driving content. Results in this paper were achieved at the Laboratory of Intelligent Engineering Systems, Obuda University after studying the capabilities of representative engineering modeling platform.

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