The Mizoram state of northeast region (NER), India located in close proximity to Indo-Burma subduction zone, recently experienced an earthquake swarm; eight severely felt earthquakes (Mw 5.0–5.9) occurred during April–October, 2020 around Champhai town that caused damages to several buildings and ground cracks with maximum reported MSK intensity VIII. The largest event Mw 5.9, at depth 15 km, occurred on April 16 (ISC catalog). The present study deals with site characterization of the Champhai town area by geological and geophysical investigations. The geological investigation involves detailed mapping of the lithounits, and the geophysical investigation includes shallow (down to 30 m) shear wave velocity (Vs 30) and site amplification (SA) measurements in an about 50 sq km area in the town. Some 23 sites are selected for Vs 30 measurements using the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) technique. The observed Vs 30 ranges from 200 m/s to 1060 m/s classifying the area into three categories: Class-B (hard rock), class-C (soft rock), and class-D (stiff soil) as per National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) guidelines. Geologically, the class B and C sites are represented by arenaceous and argillaceous Tertiary rocks, respectively, whereas the class D is represented by the Quaternary sediments. Site amplification (SA) studies, on the other hand, are carried out by making ambient noise surveys at some 52 selected stations using a digital seismograph. The ambient noise data are analyzed by the Nakamura method of H/V spectral ratio. The overall variation of peak amplification of the sites ranges from 1.26 to 6.65. A good correlation is obtained; the observed Vs 30 and site amplification (SA) maps are fairly comparable with the detailed geological or lithounit map. These maps are much useful for seismic hazard microzonation of the town area to mitigate seismic hazard-risk
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