
In this study using a Decision Support System with the SAW method this method has advantages over other methods the ability to make more accurate judgments because it is based on predetermined values ​​and weights of criteria, besides that SAW can also choose the best option as a Decision Support System assessment. for the assessment of the cleanest market, starting with data collection through interviews with several alternative markets in the city of Sampit consisting of Sejumput, Keramat, PPM, Al-Kamal the assessment itself refers to 4 criteria such as Cleanliness Management, Market Environmental Sanitation, Mutual Cooperation Activities cooperation, arrangement of places. In the city of Sampit there are still many markets that are still said to be dirty because people's awareness has not increased to maintain cleanliness around them, the market itself is very important to instill the value of cleanliness because market cleanliness is very close to our health which is susceptible to bacteria and other causes. Apart from that, this research also intends to help the public know which markets are the cleanest and can be used as a reference for shopping where it is appropriate to go, and hopefully this assessment will serve as material for re-examination to fix hygiene problems in other markets.

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