
This Research aims to develop a decision support system that can facilitate the proposal selection process and provide an alternative ranking for the selection results of student creativity program proposal selection. This decision support system uses a combination calculation of the Simple Additive Weighting and Weigthted Product methods, hereinafter referred to as Modified SAW. The criteria used in this assessment refer to the 2020 Student Creativity Program Guidebook. The data used in this decision support system uses proposal selection data in the Student Creativity Development Unit of Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra in 2019 for 2020. This system was developed by determining criteria and weight determination using the Simple Additive Weighting method and then make improvements to the weight and determine the preference value using the Weighted Product method. Each of the SAW and WP methods certainly has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of SAW with a simple and simple ranking process, can be applied to decision-making cases such as in the recommendation of selecting proposals with various attributes. While the use of Weighted Product (WP) is often used because the weight is calculated based on the level of importance and can evaluate the set of attributes by multiplying all criteria with alternative results as well as the power between weights and alternative multiplication results. This WP method can also be used in assisting in recommendation of proposal selection based on what is needed by the University. By utilizing the advantages and disadvantages of each method, this combination is able to produce an accuracy of 91% for the SAW method, 97% for the accuracy using the WP and 99% for the accuracy value for the combination of the SAW and WP methods. This decision support system using MOD SAW can help facilitate the proposal selection process and provide alternative ranking results. Further research is suggested for the development of a decision support system for proposal selection using a combination of different methods between SAW and other methods.


  • Penerima dana penelitian Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa (PKM) dipilih berdasarkan proposal terbaik dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh Lembaga pemberi dana hibah, dalam hal ini adalah Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi/Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional Republik Indonesia (Kemenristek/BRIN)

  • The criteria used in this assessment refer to the

  • The data used in this decision support system uses proposal selection data

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Penerima dana penelitian Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa (PKM) dipilih berdasarkan proposal terbaik dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh Lembaga pemberi dana hibah, dalam hal ini adalah Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi/Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional Republik Indonesia (Kemenristek/BRIN). Sistem yang akan digunakan di dalam pengambilan rekomendasi proposal Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Bidang Kewirausahaan (PKM-K), menggunakan kombinasi metode sistem pendukung keputusan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan Weighted Product (WP), yang disebut sebagai Modified Simple Additive Weighting (MOD-SAW). Alasan penggunaan kombinasi metode ini antara lain adalah untuk dapat menghasilkan rekomendasi yang tepat di dalam penentuan pemilihan proposal berdasarkan kriteria yang sudah ditentukan oleh lembaga pemberi dana hibah penelitian. Banyaknya skim program kreatifitas mahasiswa yang ditawarkan pemerintah melalui Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi / Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional Republik Indonesia menuntut kesiapan Perguruan Tinggi untuk dapat melakukan proses seleksi kelayakan proposal program kreatifitas mahasiswa sesuai dengan kriteria yang ditetapkan yaitu kreatifitas, peluang pasar, potensi program, penjadwalan kegiatan dan personalia dan penyusunan anggaran biaya [7]. Hal ini mungkin terjadi karena hanya didasarkan pada persepsi dan cara pandang reviewer terhadap proposal yang dinilai

Kajian Pustaka
Analisa Pengembangan Sistem
Normalisasi R untuk Kriteria Potensi Keberlanjutan Usaha 5
Normalisasi R untuk Kriteria Penyusunan Anggaran Biaya
Langkah selanjutnya adalah menghitung nilai vector S
Uji Validasi
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