
Motorcycles with automatic systems are currently the type of vehicle that are most interested by many riders because they are economical and comfortable. Automatic motorcycles, which are more fuel efficient, seem to be the most desired vehicle by the community today, in 2014 the number of motorcycles in Kupang City was 125,574 and in 2015 there were 139,033 of which were automatic motorcycles. So that intensive care is needed on automatic motorbikes, with intensive care it will make automatic motorbikes more comfortable when riding. Aurora Motor is one of the motorcycle repair shops in Kupang City. In addition to providing service and maintenance services for two-wheeled vehicles, Aurora Motor also sells various kinds of motorcycle parts. The average number of customers who come reaches ± 15 customers per day, which consists of various types of motorcycles with different weights. Currently, the problem at the aurora motorcycle workshop is that there is no system that can quickly identify the damage that occurs to the motorcycle, resulting in the slow process of repairing the motorcycle. it can be concluded that this application has fulfilled its main purpose, which is an application that can help mechanics at aurora motorbike workshops to determine each level of damage and maintenance on a Honda matic motorbike. This application is able to determine the level of maintenance and damage with forward chaining.


  • Perkembangan teknologi dibidang otomotif yaitu sepeda motor dengan sistem matic memberikan kemudahan dalam penggunaannya

  • currently the type of vehicle that are most interested by many riders

  • So that intensive care is needed on automatic motorbikes

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Perkembangan teknologi dibidang otomotif yaitu sepeda motor dengan sistem matic memberikan kemudahan dalam penggunaannya. Sepeda motor dengan sistem matic saat ini merupakan jenis kendaraan yang paling di minati banyak pengendara karena ekonomis dan nyaman. Saat ini yang menjadi permasalahan pada bengkel aurora motor yaitu belum adanya sebuah sistem yang dapat dengan cepat mengidentifikasi kerusakan yang terjadi pada sepeda motor, sehingga mengakibatkan lambatnya proses perbaikan pada sepeda motor tersebut. Pada tahun 2006, Khakim melakukan penelitian dengan judul, Sistem Pakar Untuk Mengatasi Kerusakan Mesin Sepeda Motor, tujuan penelitian tersebut adalah masyarakat awam non-pakar (mekanik) dapat memanfaatkan keahlian sistem pakar tersebut di dalam bidang perawatan dan solusi kerusakan mesin sepeda motor tanpa kehadiran langsung seorang pakar, hasil dari penelitiannya berupa sebuah aplikasi yang dapat mengidentifikasi kerusakan mesin sepeda motor. Berdasarkan uraian yang telah penulis paparkan di atas, maka penulis ingin melakukan penelitian tentang Sistem Pakar menetukan tingkat perawatan dan Kerusakan Sepeda Motor matic Honda dengan Metode Forward Chaining.

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