
SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya is one of the flagship vocational schools in Surabaya that produces alumni who are ready to work. The selection of expertise competencies in SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya tends to be subjective, because of the encouragement of parents and friends who suggest entering certain skill competencies, so students feel wrong in the competence of those skills. At SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya there is no specific test to determine what competence of expertise is suitable for the student, from the results of observations and interviews that have been conducted by the author of this study to create a web-based Expert System application using the Laravel framework and use parameters based on report card results and minimum completion criteria in class X as a basic reference with the aim to facilitate students in providing second opinion. the competence of the students. The method used in the creation of this Expert System is to use the Forward Chaining method, a method that provides a rule based on inference that performs reasoning based on a problem and will conclude a solution. A series of processes have been passed by the author ranging from data collection by observing, and interviews, system design, implementation, and application creation created an application this Expert System can overcome the complaints of students who can not follow learning because of lack of interest in learning because it is not in accordance with the desired

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