
Citrus fruit is one of the most popular types of fruits by the people of Indonesia because of its freshness and contains many types of vitamins. However, the population of citrus plants has experienced a high increase due to the limited knowledge of farmers in terms of proper citrus farming. Another obstacle that causes citrus fruit products in Indonesia to not meet expectations is the emergence of pests and diseases. Many losses are caused by plant diseases that are too late to diagnose, and have reached a severe stage causing crop failure. The purpose of the study was to build an Expert System for Diagnosis of Diseases in Citrus with the Forward Chaining Method Case Study at the Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) in Jangkat District, Merangin Regency, a system that can replace the temporary role of experts or experts in identifying citrus plant diseases quickly and accurately. An expert system for diagnosing citrus plant diseases is needed as a means of consultation and a means of learning for farmers, especially from the Extension Center. For this reason, the difficulties experienced by farmers can be overcome by providing a software (expert system) in the form of an application program to determine diseases that attack citrus or lime plants as well as proper handling and prevention methods. The input in this system is in the form of disease data, symptom data, and rule data. The output is a checking report. The result of this research is a system for diagnosing citrus plant diseases. Keywords— citrus plant diseases, Diagnosis, expert system, forward chaining.

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