
Board of Investment and Licensing Services (BPMPP) needs the support of information systems to help reduce the existing problems, ie, the information for the license applicant as retrieval time permits, the fees and procedures for the registration request is still not informed directly and transparently so the public is difficult to knowing the position of the file request, the fees and the absence of a data connection between each part of the work unit. The aim of this study is to produce a design of information systems licensing services IMB and IPPT web-based service BPMPP used for the process of licensing services, monitor outcomes of activity license lasts and facilitate citizens Sumedang district and foreigners who want to make IMB and IPPT because it can be done with on line. System development method used is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) designing the notation of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) version 1.5 and using the programming language PHP version 5.2.2, for the database using MySQL version 5.1.37. Results from this study is the Service Information System IMB and IPPT-based Web is an information system that could become business solutions in the register, the transparency of the status of the request, inspection, calculation and determination of permits, issuance of license, information delivery, as well as the summary report that dynamic. Keywords: BPMPP, Licensing Services, E-Government, RAD, IMB, IPPT, Unified Modeling Language, Web

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