
An information system is a collection of data or facts that are processed and processed in such a way as to produce something that can be understood and can be useful for the recipient. Among the general public, the need for accurate and fast information is urgently needed at this time, especially information regarding the spread of the Covid-19 disease that is hitting the world today. Covid-19 (Coronavirus) is a virus that can attack the respiratory tract and can be transmitted to anyone through droplets of phlegm. However, in conveying information by the Kerongkong Health Center officers regarding the Covid-19 distribution area in the Suralaga sub-district, they still use the socialization method. This method is considered right on target, but it is considered less effective for villages that have a fairly high distribution rate in the Suralaga sub-district. Therefore, an information system for Mapping the Covid-19 Spread Area is needed that is fast and accurate in conveying information to the public, the goal is to make it easier for the puskesmas to take preventive actions against areas that have a fairly high spread rate by looking at the location of the distribution area in the sub-district. suralaga. WebGIS is a web-based geographic information system consisting of several components, namely mapping graphic design, digital maps with geographic analysis, computer programs, and a database that are interconnected into one part. In the preparation of the stages of this research carried out by means of data collection, system design, system creation stage, testing and evaluation. The existence of WebGIS mapping the patient's location can help the throat health center in collecting data on Covid-19 patients and can quickly provide information to the public.


  • An information system is a collection of data or facts

  • fast information is urgently needed at this time

  • especially information regarding the spread of the Covid-19 disease

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Penelitian Terkait

Aris Sudianto, Nurhidayati, dan Lalu Kerta Wijaya Bandar Khalifah Berbasis Pemetaan” : 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan Pemetaan Sekolah (Scool Mapping) Berbasis untuk memudahkan konsumen dalam mencari Web Gis Pada UPT Dinas Pendidikan Kecamatan mitra yang menjual produk herbal dari CV. Keterbatasan informasi tentang tujuan menginap, PendidikanKecamatan Padang Utara.Adanya objek penginapan yang menarik, objek honymoon Sistem ini, pengguna lebih mudah mendapatkan yang indah, serta rute untuk mencapai suatu informasi sekolah dan semua pengguna dapat kawasan penginapan menjadi masalah yang mengakses sistem dengan mudah. Dimana sistem informasi ini dibuat didalam suatu organisasi dalam suatu organisasi dalam bentuk web pemetaan dan webgis yang yang merupakan kombinasi dari orang-orang, dapat membantu instansi dinas komunikasi dan fasilitas, media, prosedur-prosedur dan informatika kabupaten labuhanbatu utara dalam pengendalian yang ditunjukan untuk menyampaikan informasi yang cepat dan ukurat mendapatkan jalur komunikasi penting, kepada masyarakat kabupaten labuhanbatu memproses tipe transaksi rutin tertentu memberi utara[1]. Sinyal kepada menejemen dan yang lainnya terhadap kejadian-kejadian internal dan eksternal

Landasan Teori yang penting dan menyediakan suatu dasar
Tahap Pengumpulan Data
Lokasi Penelitian menjalankan sistem yang baru ini adalah sebagai
Halaman Wilayah Pasien
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