
Pegadaian is a form of financing institution that carries out pawning business activities for the wider community who need funds in a fast time. One of the popular pawning products is the gold pawn. The formulation of the problem of this research is how the form of the Gold Pegadaian Financing Accounting System at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Tapi Bandar Padang. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of the gold pawnshop financing accounting system at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Tapi Bandar Padang. This study uses a field research method (Frield Research Method) and a library research method (Library Research Method). The data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The data will be analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the gold pawn at Pegadaian is a product of fund distribution that aims to help the community with a fast, safe, and easy process. The procedure for obtaining credit with a gold pawn at PT Pegadaian Cabang Tapi Bandar Padang is quite easy, people only provide a copy of their identity along with gold jewelry or gold bars as collateral, loan money can be obtained for approximately 10 minutes, depending on how many customers on the day that.

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