
During clinical electrophysiologic study, multiple clinical tachycardia morphologies often can be induced in the infarct border zone, and all morphologies must be targeted for ablation therapy to be successful. Analysis of sinus rhythm electrogram shape for localizing figure-of-eight reentrant circuits in cases of multiple morphologies is proposed. Sinus rhythm activation maps were constructed from bipolar electrograms acquired at 196 to 312 sites in the epicardial border zone in 10 postinfarction canine hearts. In each heart, at least two distinct figure-of-eight reentrant ventricular tachycardia morphologies were inducible by premature electrical stimulation, as determined by activation maps of sustained tachycardias. Sinus rhythm maps were used to predict the location of the isthmus (central common pathway [CCP]), which is the protected region of the circuit bounded by arcs of block (mean accuracy 76.7 +/- 4%). Although reentrant circuits differed, the positions of the entrance point of each CCP were common. The location of the line that would span the CCP at its narrowest width also was estimated (mean accuracy 91.3 +/- 5%). Ablation at this line is expected to prevent reentry recurrence. In one test experiment, ablation prevented recurrence of both sustained reentrant tachycardia morphologies. Sinus rhythm electrogram analyses are useful for (1) localizing multiple reentrant circuits with differences in morphology that are inducible by premature stimulation in the infarct border zone, and (2) locating and orienting the position of a linear lesion for preventing recurrence of all morphologies with minimal damage to the heart.

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