
The Indian Ocean is increasingly playing an important role in Chinese efforts to establish a position as a leading maritime power in the region. And this is resulting in Sino-Indian competition for influence in the Indian Ocean and beyond. Despite a significant improvement in Sino-Indian ties since the late 1990s, their bilateral relationship remains competitive. The very steps that China is taking to protect and enhance its interests in the Indian Ocean region are generating apprehensions in Indian strategic circles, thereby engendering a classic security dilemma between the two Asian giants. And it is India’s fears and perceptions of China’s growing naval prowess in the Indian Ocean that is driving Indian naval posture. This article examines this budding maritime rivalry in the Indian Ocean between Asia two rising powers and argues that unless managed carefully, the potential for this maritime rivalry turning serious in the future remains high, especially as Sino-Indian naval competition is likely to intensify with the Indian and Chinese navies operating far from their shores.

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