
AbstractDiplomatic relations were established between Cuba and the People's Republic of China in 1960, the 50th anniversary of which was celebrated in 2010. Their relationship entered a new phase after 2000, characterised by more intense political relations, strengthening trade and investment ties and new initiatives in the fields of defence, education, health and culture. This can be evaluated as a result of the wider Chinese presence in Latin America and of a new quality of relations between Cuba and Latin America.Sino-Cuban relations form a crucial axis in Cuban foreign relations, and the Chinese connection is worth taking into consideration when analysing the island's prospects for political, economic and social reforms. From this perspective, China has a double role: first as a model or at least a promise to be followed, second as a political and economic ally supporting Cuban development from outside.Keywords: Cuba, China, foreign relations, reform, modelIntroductionThe possible direction of Cuban 'transition', reforms or changes is a highly debated question, especially after Raul Castro assumed power. In today's globalised world, the foreign relations of a country and its international political position, bargaining power, and potential to grow and develop economically, are strongly interconnected factors. The centre of gravity of world economic development is shifting to the Asian-Pacific region, where the role of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is more and more determinant. Today it is an established fact that China has the most dynamically developing economy in the world and the country is a potential economic great power. This means that Cuban reforms are taking place in a new global context that is edging away from the international political and economic order of the 1990s.China, an outstanding emerging economy, is already an important political and economic partner for Cuba. We can say without exaggeration that for Havana, the People's Republic of China is the most important global actor today and current trends suggest that this tendency will persist in the coming years or maybe decades. In the twenty-first century, China has a central place in Cuba's foreign relations as a political ally, an important trading partner, a source of capital, and a country experienced in implementing market reforms parallel to a one-party political system.The question I am attempting to answer here is: what is the role of the China connection in implementing successful political and economic reforms in Cuba?Frameworks of Sino-Cuban RelationsTo understand the complexity and diversity of Sino-Cuban relations, first of all the multiple possible frameworks of these links have to be demonstrated. These frameworks are parallel, but also overlap one another, and they are in many ways interconnected. I find it important to mention these frameworks because they prove that China is not important for Cuba only as a significant trading partner and a potential political ally. These frameworks demonstrate and prove how manifold Sino-Cuban relations are, and these frameworks together constitute the real essence of the relationship.The first, and maybe most important framework is given by the fact that China and Cuba are among the few 'socialist survivors' of the Cold War. In Chinese rhetoric, Cuba is one of the five golden flowers of socialism still present in the international arena, with China, Vietnam, North Korea and Laos.1 This implies an essential solidarity between them, because it is obviously in their common interest to listen to each other, share experiences, resist external, especially Western pressure, and influence and find their own socialist path of development.Besides this, historical ties should not be forgotten. Although for the purposes of this article current issues are more relevant, relations between Cuba and China are not new at all, they go back to colonial times in Latin America. …

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