
AbstractDevelopment of the Populus leaf is presented as a model system to illustrate the sequence of events that occur during the sink to source transition. A Populus leaf is served by three leaf traces, each of which consists of an original procambial trace bundle that differentiates acropetally and continuously from more mature procambium in the stem and a complement of subsidiary bundles that differentiates bidirectionally from a leaf basal meristem. During development these subsidiary bundles maintain continuity through the meristematic region of the node. The basipetally developing subsidiary bunles form phloem bridges that serve to integrate adjacent leaf traces of the stem vasculature. Distal to the node the acropetally developing bundles from all three leaf traces are reoriented in a precise and orderly sequence to form tiers of petiolar bundles. These tiers of bundles extend into the midrib where bundles diverge at intervals as the major lateral veins. The dorsal‐most tier of bundles extends to the lamina tip and each successive tier of bundles contributes to lateral veins situated more proximally in the lamina.Although the midrib and the major vein system differentiate acropetally in the lamina, they mature basipetally. Maturation of the mesophyll and other lamina tissues also mature basipetally. As a consequence of the basi‐petal maturation process, the lamina tip matures very early and begins exporting photosynthates while the lamina base is still importing from other leaves. The transition of a leaf from sink to source status must therefore be considered as a progression of structural and functional events that occur in synchrony.

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