
The topologic arrangement of petiolar bundles varies within the length of the cottonwood petiole. Each petiolar bundle is formed by the subdivision and aggregation of acropetally differentiating subsidiary bundles in a predictable pattern. The subsidiary bundles provide vascular continuity between the stem and specific portions of the leaf lamina. Spot‐labeling of individual veins with 14CO2, freeze substitution, and microautoradiography were used to establish the relation between the secondary veins of the lamina and the vasculature of the petiole. Within the petiole vasculature each subsidiary bundle was continuous with a specific portion of the lamina and seemed to have a separate function. Subsidiary bundles continuous with the central leaf trace were closely related functionally to the tip region of the lamina, while the subsidiary bundles continuous with the lateral leaf traces were functionally related to the middle and basal portions of the lamina.

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