
The objective of this study was to analyze the studies carried out in Brazil that related treatment and follow-up in mental health with singular therapeutic local practices throughout the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS). Methodology: articles indexed in the databases National Library of Medicine – Pubmed and Scientific Electronic Library Online - Scielo, from 2010 in Portuguese and English. Four articles were selected, two were developed in the Southeast region of Brazil, a region with a high Human Development Index (HDI), one in the South region and the other in the Brazilian Northeast. Results: The results showed the lack of studies and actions in the area of mental health involving therapeutic and singular practices, as advocated by the United Nations Organization and the Psychiatric Reform in Brazil. Conclusion: this theme has been little investigated in the country, suggesting the encouragement of research and local practices in mental health and the promotion of public policies, considering the need for constant and growing actions due to the importance of the uniqueness of the treatment necessary for patients with mental disorders and their different possible techniques of biopsychosocial intervention.

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