
Abstract The existence of a positive entire weak solution to a singular quasi-linear elliptic system with convection terms is established, chiefly through perturbation techniques, fixed point arguments, and a priori estimates. Some regularity results are then employed to show that the obtained solution is actually strong.


  • Introduction and main resultIn this paper, we deal with the problem −∆p u = f (x, u, v, ∇u, ∇v) in N R−∆qv = g(x, u, v, ∇u, ∇v) (P) u, v >

  • Some regularity results are employed to show that the obtained solution is strong

  • We deal with the problem

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Introduction and main result

Where N ≥ , − N < p, q < N, ∆r z := div(|∇z|r− ∇z) denotes the r-Laplacian of z for < r < +∞, while f , g : RN × ( , +∞) × R N → ( , +∞) are Carathéodory functions satisfying assumptions H –H below. The monographs [20, 29, 38] provide an exhaustive introduction on the topic

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The aim of this paper is to prove the following
The regularized system
This clearly entails ηη
Proof of the main result
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