Background: The region around neutron number N=60 in the neutron-rich Sr and Zr nuclei is one of the most dramatic examples of a ground-state shape transition from (near) spherical below N=60 to strongly deformed shapes in the heavier isotopes. Purpose: The single-particle structure of Sr95-97 approaching the ground-state shape transition at Sr98 has been investigated via single-neutron transfer reactions using the (d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics. These reactions selectively populate states with a large overlap of the projectile ground state coupled to a neutron in a single-particle orbital. Method: Radioactive Sr94,95,96 nuclei with energies of 5.5 AMeV were used to bombard a CD2, where D denotes H2, target. Recoiling light charged particles and γ rays were detected using a quasi-4π silicon strip detector array and a 12-element Ge array. The excitation energy of states populated was reconstructed employing the missing mass method combined with γ-ray tagging and differential cross sections for final states were extracted. Results: A reaction model analysis of the angular distributions allowed for firm spin assignments to be made for the low-lying 352, 556, and 681 keV excited states in Sr95 and a constraint has been placed on the spin of the higher-lying 1666 keV state. Angular distributions have been extracted for ten states populated in the H2(Sr95,p)Sr96 reaction, and constraints have been provided for the spins and parities of several final states. Additionally, the 0, 167, and 522 keV states in Sr97 were populated through the H2(Sr96,p) reaction. Spectroscopic factors for all three reactions were extracted. Conclusions: Results are compared to shell-model calculations in several model spaces and the structure of low-lying states in Sr94 and Sr95 is well described. The spectroscopic strength of the 0+ and 2+ states in Sr96 is significantly more fragmented than predicted. The spectroscopic factors for the H2(Sr96,p)Sr97 reaction suggest that the two lowest-lying excited states have significant overlap with the weakly deformed ground state of Sr96, but the ground state of Sr97 has a different structure.
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