
Objectives. To determine accuracy of first and second trimesters detection of single umbilical artery (SUA). Materials. A retrospective study was carried out on 151 cases of SUA between January 2014 and December 2017 in prenatal diagnosis centre. The number of vessels in the umbilical cord was examined in the first and second trimesters using сolour Doppler. Results. Detection rate of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of SUA in the first trimester was 85,7%, at 14– 22 weeks – 98,2% and 100% after 22 weeks of gestation. Conclusions. Detection rate of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of SUA in the first and second trimesters in a prospective unselected population was good. Diagnosis of isolated SUA as well as a definitive judgment about the presence of associated anomalies would still require a scan in the first and second trimesters.

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