
The ability of single-shot NMR imaging methods to follow the time evolution of a velocity distribution within an object is strongly limited by the phase errors accumulated as velocity maps are acquired. In the particular case of Carr-Purcell based sequences combined with Echo Planar Imaging acquisition, phase accumulates through subsequent images, hampering the possibility to acquire several velocity maps, which would be useful to determine transient behavior. In this work, we propose the use of a rewinding velocity encoding module applied after the acquisition of each image during the CPMG echo train. In this way, the first velocity module imparts a velocity dependent phase prior to the image acquisition and the second pair cancels this phase out before the next refocusing radiofrequency pulse is applied. The performance and limits of this method are studied by acquiring 100 images of a co-rotating Couette cell over a period of 1.6 s as a function of the rotation speed. The method is applied to determine the kinematic viscosity of a water/alcohol mixture, which is a relevant topic in many physical, chemical and biological processes.

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