
In this paper, we have considered a class of single machine job scheduling problems where the objective is to minimize the weighted sum of earliness–tardiness penalties of jobs. The weights are job-independent but they depend on whether a job is early or tardy. The restricted version of the problem where the common due date is smaller than a critical value, is known to be NP-complete. While dynamic programming formulation runs out of memory for large problem instances, depth-first branch-and-bound formulation runs slow for large problems since it uses a tree search space. In this paper, we have suggested an algorithm to optimally solve large instances of the restricted version of the problem. The algorithm uses a graph search space. Unlike dynamic programming, the algorithm can output optimal solutions even when available memory is limited. It has been found to run faster than dynamic programming and depth-first branch-and-bound formulations and can solve much larger instances of the problem in reasonable time. New upper and lower bounds have been proposed and used. Experimental findings are given in detail. Scope and purpose A class of single machine problems arising out of scheduling jobs in JIT environment has been considered in this paper. The objective is to minimize the total weighted earliness–tardiness penalties of jobs. In this paper, we have presented a new algorithm and conducted extensive empirical runs to show that the new algorithm performs much better than the existing approaches in solving large instances of the problem.

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