
Single-image dehazing plays a significant preprocessing role in machine vision tasks. As the dark-channel-prior method will fail in the sky region of the image, resulting in inaccurately estimated parameters, and given the failure of many methods to address a large band of haze, we propose a simple yet effective method for single-image dehazing based on an improved bright prior and dark channel prior. First, we use the Otsu method by particle swarm optimization to divide the hazy image into sky regions and non-sky regions. Then, we use the improved bright channel prior and dark channel prior to estimate the parameters in the physical model. Second, we propose a weighted fusion function to efficiently fuse the parameters estimated by two priors. Finally, the clear image is restored through the physical model. Experiments illustrate that our method can solve the problem of the invalidation of the dark channel prior in the sky region well and achieve high-quality image restoration, especially for images with limited haze.

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