
Somatic mosaicism of an expanded repeat is present in tissues of patients with triplet repeat diseases. Of the spinocerebellar ataxias associated with triplet repeat expansion, the most prominent heterogeneity of the expanded repeat is seen in dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). The common feature of this somatic mosaicism is the difference in the repeat numbers found in the cerebellum as compared to other tissues. The expanded allele in the cerebellum shows a smaller degree of expansion. We previously showed by microdissection analysis that the expanded allele in the granular layer in DRPLA cerebellum has less expansion than expanded alleles in the molecular layer and white matter. Whether this feature of lesser expansion in granule cells is common to other types of neurons is yet to be clarified. We used a newly developed excimer laser microdissection system to analyze somatic mosaicism in the brains of two patients, one with early- and another with late-onset DRPLA, and used single cell PCR to observe the cell-to-cell differences in repeat numbers. In the late onset patient, repeat expansion was more prominent in Purkinje cells than in granule cells, but less than that in the glial cells. In the early onset patient, repeat expansion in Purkinje cells was greater than in granule cells but did not differ from that in glial cells. These findings suggest that there is a difference in repeat expansion among neuronal subgroups and that the number of cell division cycles is not the only determinant of somatic mosaicism.

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