Pool boiling heat transfer is an aggressive and complex phenomenon which needs to be simplified for a better understanding of the mechanism of bubble growth and departure and how boiling heat transfer can be enhanced. Single bubble boiling heat transfer is a simple version of boiling phenomenon which has been used to study the effective elements on pool boiling heat transfer. The purpose of the present review paper is to understand how to produce single bubble pool boiling on a heated substrate and investigate, how single bubble boiling phenomenon can be affected by geometry of cavities, cavity size, wettability, roughness, working fluid, subcooling, wall superheat, heat flux, gravity, etc. It was demonstrated that cylindrical cavities are capable to generate stable and continuous bubbling, small temperature fluctuation, low superheat with short waiting period. The cylindrical cavities can be manufactured very easily in small sizes which can be a good candidate to produce single bubble pool boiling. As heat flux increases, smaller cavities start becoming active. For a given depth, as cavity size increases, the bubble growth rate and departure volume increase. Surface wettability is another complex and important factor to modify the single bubble boiling heat transfer. Wettability depends mainly on force balance at the triple contact line which relies on solid–liquid–gas materials. In case of hydrophobic surfaces, the triple line has tendency to move toward liquid phase and expand the radius of triple line, so the initiation of nucleation is easier, the waiting time is shorter, the downward surface tension force becomes bigger since radius of triple line is larger, the bubble departure volume is higher and bubble growth period is longer. The effects of the rest of main parameters on single bubble boiling are discussed in this paper in details. In addition, a theoretical model is developed to predict the liquid-vapor interface for the single bubble boiling. The theoretical model is compared with single bubble boiling experimental data and good results observed.
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