
Two simple, precise and economical UV methods have been developed for the simultaneous estimation of Sitagliptinphosphate and Metformin hydrochloride in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form. Method A is Absorbance maximamethod,whichisbasedonmeasurementofabsorptionatmaximumwavelengthof266nmand232nmforSitagliptinphosphateandMetforminhydrochloriderespectively.MethodBisareaundercurve(AUC),inthewavelength range of244-279 nm for Sitagliptin phosphateand222-240nm for Metformin hydrochloride. Linearityfordetector response wasobserved in the concentration range of25-225µg/ml for Sitagliptin phosphate and 2-12µg/ml for Metformin hydrochloride. The accuracy of the methods was assessed by recovery studies and was found tobe99.64%and98.98%forSitagliptinphosphateandMetforminhydrochloride.Thedevelopedmethodwasvalidatedwithrespecttolinearity,accuracy(recovery),precisionandspecificity.Theresultswerevalidatedstatistically as per ICH Q2 R1 guideline and were found to be satisfactory. The proposed methods were successfullyappliedforthedeterminationofforSitagliptinphosphateandMetforminhydrochlorideincommercialpharmaceuticaldosage form.

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