
We introduced a novel combined process of CO 2 methanation (METH) and catalytic decomposition of methane (CDM) for simultaneous production of hydrogen (H 2 ) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) from biogas. In this process, biogas is catalytically upgraded into CH 4 -rich gas in METH reactor using Ni/CeO 2 catalyst, and the obtained CH 4 -rich gas is subsequently decomposed into H 2 and CNTs in CDM reactor over CoMo/MgO catalyst. Among the three different process scenarios proposed, the combined process with a steam condenser equipped between METH and CDM reactors could greatly improve a CNTs productivity. The CNTs production yield increased by more than 2.5-fold, maximizing at 9.08 gCNTs/gCat with a CNTs purity of 90%. The deposited carbon product was characterized as multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with a surface area of 136.0 m 2 /g, comparable with commercial CNTs of 199.8 m 2 /g. The remarkable I G /I D ratio of 2.18 confirms a superior portion of graphitic carbon in the synthesized CNTs upon the commercial CNTs with I G /I D = 0.74. Notably, the CH 4 conversion reached 94.5%, while the CO 2 conversion achieved 100%, resulting in the H 2 yield and H 2 purity higher than 90%. This combined process demonstrates a promising route for production of high quality CNTs and high purity H 2 with complete CO 2 conversion using biogas as abundant renewable energy resources. In addition, the test of raw biogas showed no deactivation of catalyst, justifying the implementation of the developed process for real biogas without purification. • The combined process could produce CNTs and H 2 with zero CO 2 emission. • The steam removal could greatly enhance the yield and quality of CNTs. • The synthesized CNTs has higher a graphitic carbon than the commercial CNTs. • The hydrogen purity was higher than 90%. • The CO 2 conversion could achieve 100%.

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