
Identity politicization became popular in areas of Indonesia after the 1998 reform. Political candidates use this practice to increase electability and acquire power in electoral political contestation. This condition also occurred at the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in the East Sumba Regency. The study aims to investigate identity politicization in various forms and its impact on the 2020 Pilkada in the East Sumba Regency. This research used a qualitative method with a case study approach. The findings indicate politicized identities during the Pilkada, including candidates' religious and ethnic identities, areas of origin, social stratification, and government bureaucracy. An interesting finding in this study is the politicization of the various identities existing in society and was carried out simultaneously to gain voter support to increase the candidates' electability. The academic contribution of this research is to exploit the full potential of identity simultaneously, including kabihu identity, to respond to the candidates' practical political interests to gain power despite the impact on segregation and polarization in society and diluting Sumba cultural values. Furthermore, this study advises the government on how to improve the quality of future Pilkada.

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