Quantifying temporal changes in soil temperature and moisture conditions is an important part of characterizing pre- and post-disturbance conditions that influence the health, productivity, and sustainability of forest ecosystems. In this paper, we present an experimental case study that was used to evaluate the ability of the forest hydrology model ForHyM2 to simulate field-observed changes in root-zone soil moisture and temperature, as well as snowpack depth, throughfall volume and forest floor percolate volume, for a jack pine ( Pinus banksiana Lamb.) site in northeastern Ontario. The experiment refers to two post-harvest treatment factors, each involving two treatments: (a) blading (removing) or non-blading the forest floor and part of the mineral topsoil, (b) herbiciding or non-herbiciding. It was found that harvesting increased the average daily soil temperature by 4–6°C on all treatment plots during summer (5 cm soil depth). Blading increased the soil temperature further by 1–2°C. Herbiciding did not have significant effects on soil temperature. Eliminating competing forest vegetation significantly increased soil moisture level on the non-bladed treatment plots. The model simulations were based on daily precipitation (snow and rain), air temperature, and a few site descriptors such as longitude and latitude, soil depth, soil texture, and leaf area index. The resulting simulations compared well (graphically) with the pre- and post-harvest field observations regarding soil moisture, soil temperature, and snowpack water equivalents. Good graphical agreements suggest that the approach taken with this case study can be applied to the evaluation of soil moisture and temperature conditions to a variety of pre- and post-disturbance forest conditions. The results from the study would be useful for addressing below ground processes such as root growth, soil respiration, rate of organic matter decomposition, rate of soil weathering, nutrient cycling, etc., all of which strongly influence site productivity.
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