
A simulation for Doppler ultrasound quadrature signals from pulsatile, nonuniform flow is presented. It is an extension of an earlier simulation presented by Jones and Giddens (1990a) which was valid for laminar, uniform, steady flow and which included the stochastic characteristics introduced by scattering particles which enter and leave the sample volume at random times. Fourier transform and autoregressive spectral analysis techniques are used to compare the simulated signals to Doppler signals collected from an in vitro flow setup. Power spectra, Doppler frequency estimates and standard deviations of these estimates serve as standards of comparison. Results show that the simulation model generates realistic quadrature signals. The study improves the understanding of the physics of the Doppler process and shows that it can be modeled for complex flow conditions. The input parameters of the simulation are the Doppler instrument parameters and flow characteristics. This allows the simulation to be used for transducer design as well as in the study of the applicability of signal analysis techniques to Doppler ultrasound.

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