
Aim. To study the airborne transmission of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVIs) in medical care workers of dental clinics.Materials and Methods. We developed a simulation model in which the bacteriophage E. coli, which is a part of the drug "Intesti-bacteriophage", was used as a model of the virus. The host bacterium was Escherichia coli strain M-17, which is part of the Kolibakterin drug. The phage titer according to Appelman was 10-5 plaque-forming units per mL. The experiment was conducted in outpatient care dental office with the participation of medical care workers and implied the contamination of the dental dummy oral cavity by the bacteriophage (A-Dec Simulator REF: 4820) during the treatment of tooth decay by means of aerosol-generating technologies and further detection of the bacteriophage in the environment. Bacteriophage spread was evaluated in 5 series of experiments by collecting the samples from dental office air (n = 50), surfaces of equipment (n = 90), and personal protective equipment of a dentist (n = 80).Results. We found an intensive contamination by bacteriophages during the treatment of tooth decay with the use of aerosol-generating technologies. Phage was isolated in all air samples in the treatment area (100.00% [95% CI 47.82-134.48]) and in 20% of samples at a distance of 160 cm (near the exit). Bacteriophages spread by air currents contaminated the personal protective equipment: protective glasses, gloves, and sleeves of a robe in 100.00% [95% CI 47.82-134.48]) of samples. We have also found a frequent contamination of the inner surface of glasses (40.00% [95% CI 5.27-85.34]) and a medical mask (80.00% [95% CI 28.36-99.49]).Conclusion. We developed a model to study the airborne transmission of ARVI pathogens spread during dental care. Intensive phage contamination of the dental office air and personal protective equipment has been established. A detailed study of the airborne transmission of ARVIs is necessary to improve their prevention in dental workers.

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