
One of the traffic problems in the transportation system is the emergency vehicles management such as fire trucks, ambulances, and so forth. It is necessary to know the characteristics of the traffic flow on a single road when the road appears to the presence of emergency vehicles. This paper presents an analysis of the characteristics of the traffic flow on a single road when traffic passing through the roads there is an emergency vehicle. Or in other words the traffic flow on the single road is distorted by the emergency vehicles. The analysis is based on the queuing theory through simulation. The road segment observed is a single lane road. Construction of the model is a FIFO queue models, a single server with one service rate level and two-level arrival rate. Traffic conditions are modelled with M/M/1, M/G/1 and G/G/1. The simulation experiment result shows the presence of the emergency vehicles on the road do not affect too large the travel time of the normal traffic. Traffic with the smaller variance will result in the travel time of the normal traffic lower than the higher variance. The G/G/1 model shows the characteristics of the normal vehicles travel time and the emergency vehicles travel time lower than the M/M/1 model and M/G/1 model. The G/G/1 models with lower variance will result in the emergency vehicle travel time is closer to that expected.

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