
Desmosomes are cell-cell junctions with a key role in mechano-sensation. However, it is currently unknown how the desmosomal complex and its proteins respond to mechanical force, transmitting chemical signals. We study desmoplakin, one of the obligate desmosomal proteins, identifying its possible role in mechanosensing. The most striking feature of this protein is the presence of an SH3 domain embedded in one of its six spectrin repeat domains. Intriguingly, the spectrin repeats hide the typical SH3 binding site, suggesting that either (i) the SH3 domain serves as a stabilizer of the protein through its interaction with one of the spectrin repeats, or (ii) it is activated only under force, initiating a signaling cascade for mechanosensing. To explore these alternatives, we performed equilibrium as well as force-probe Molecular Dynamics simulations on the central region of desmoplakin. To bridge towards physiologically relevant time scales, we repeated our simulations through a wide range of pulling velocities with a total simulation time of several tens of microseconds. We find desmoplakin to feature a clear sawtooth-like force profile, with each peak corresponding to modular spectrin repeat unfolding events followed by the final SH3 unfolding. The SH3 domain not only stabilizes desmoplakin, but also remains intact until the very last part of the trajectory, allowing interactions with downstream partners. Interestingly, we find the same behavior in the homologous plectin protein, suggesting this dual role of the SH3 domain to be conserved throughout the plakin family of proteins. However, plectin unfolds at significantly lower forces, involving an early or forceless loss of the SH3 domain-spectrin repeat interface. We identify specific mutations that promote this unfolding pathway, explaining the evolutionary adaptation of the cytosolic compared to the desmosomal mechano-sensing molecule. Our results suggest a direct role of unique SH3-insertion in spectrin repeat proteins in cellular mechanotransduction, and will be validated by direct comparison to single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments carried out by our collaborators.

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