
AbstractWe define simulated satiation through reality‐enhancing technology as any attenuation in perceived benefits that occurs within or results from vicarious and simulated intermediary sources. We examine simulated satiation as a factor that underlies consumer experiences with reality‐enhancing technologies and presents nine testable propositions. Each proposition is aimed at determining how simulated satiation can unlock implications in terms of engaging consumers for the right amount of time to improve marketing outcomes. We further conduct a proof‐of‐concept study to test proposition 1, that physiological drivers and sensory overload increases simulated satiation. The empirical results show that shorter (vs. longer) exposure to virtual reality content raises perceived usefulness for virtual reality (VR), which in turn mediates stickiness for VR experiences alongside consumers’ subjective well‐being. Finally, we carry forward key theoretical contradictions and areas for future empirical testing based on simulated satiation in reality‐enhanced environments, including experiences, that are reshaping consumer decision making.

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