
Sensitivity analysis results are given for differential measurement error of either the exposure or outcome. In the case of differential measurement error of the outcome, it is shown that the true effect of the exposure on the outcome on the risk ratio scale must be at least as large as the observed association between the exposure and the mismeasured outcome divided by the maximum strength of differential measurement error. This maximum strength of differential measurement error is itself assessed as the risk ratio of the controlled direct effect of the exposure on the mismeasured outcome not through the true outcome. In the case of differential measurement error of the exposure, under certain assumptions concerning classification probabilities, the true effect on the odds ratio scale of the exposure on the outcome must be at least as large as the observed odds ratio between the mismeasured exposure and the outcome divided by the maximum odds ratio of the effect of the outcome on mismeasured exposure conditional on the true exposure. The results can be immediately used to indicate the minimum strength of differential measurement error that would be needed to explain away an observed association between an exposure measurement and an outcome measurement for this to be solely due to measurement error.

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