
The model we are proposing, based upon our research, makes exact predictions of spiral galaxy velocity profiles (stellar velocities) solely based upon a galaxy’s observed galactic matter, totally contrary to the dark matter hypothesis. Making exact predictions for all symmetric spiral galaxies is something that no other model can do, based upon our research. Based on our preconceived hypothesis, the goal of our research was to correctly explain the reasons for observed spiral galaxy velocity profiles and to propose new equations, if needed, for such calculations. In contrast, our research has shown that dark matter proposals usually make very poor predictors of stellar velocities within spiral galaxies and elsewhere based upon assumptions of normal matter distribution. Another goal of our research was to explain increased velocities observed in galaxy clusters, and velocity anomalies within the observable universe, based on the same proposed mechanism. We also explain that modified-gravity models have their own problems relating to predictions of galaxy-cluster velocities and must also propose unseen, but known matter for these calculations. The alternative model being presented proposes what can be called background Field-Flow dynamics. Its unique Newtonian-style equations, and their exact predictions concerning all spiral galaxies studied and presented, we believe are very convincing evidence in support of this model and proposal.

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