
The use of natural products for therapeutic purposes is a common practice throughout the world, in part, due to the global obesity epidemic and the search for products with appetite suppression and weight loss properties, which include nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals to herbal products. It is known that such products may be associated with various adverse health effects. Thus, the objective of this study is to report a series of cases of patients, who presented fulminant liver failure (HFI) requiring liver transplantation (LT), related to the consumption of products used for weight loss. This is a retrospective cohort based on the evaluation of patients listed for LT due to IHF at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, between 1991 and 2022, with patients who had confirmed consumption of products with the aim of loss being selected. During the studied period, 92 patients were listed for HT due to IHF according to the Kings College criteria, with 5 cases being selected with proven consumption of herbal products for weight loss, and other causes that could explain the IHF were excluded. Four (80%) of the patients were female, with a mean age of 40.5 years, and 40% of the cases died. Unlike traditional pharmaceutical medicines, in most countries, the commercialization of these products is not conditioned on clinical and safety evidence or prior approval by regulatory bodies. Hepatoxicity can be related to several factors, such as the presence of toxins naturally found in plants, the presence of heavy metals, contamination during obtaining or processing and the addition of substances omitted from the labels. The use of weight loss products can evolve with IHF, a fact that deserves attention, due to ease of access and growing demand, and it is important to regulate the trade of these products and raise public awareness about the risks of use without professional supervision and guidance.

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