
Objective: To evaluate the susceptibility to infection by the genus sporothrix spp.; targeting patients with immunosuppression due to the use of inadequate medication, seropositive patients (carriers of Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome – HIV) and alcoholics dependents. Method: This is an integrative review of the literature available in the PUBMED database, using the descriptors: “Sporotrichosis”, “Fungi” and “Sporothrix”, duly registered in MeSH, using the boolean operator AND. A total of 128 articles were found and evaluated and, at the end, 15 were selected to compose this review. The inclusion criteria were: full articles, available free of charge, published in English between 2010 and 2020. Results: Sporotrichosis is clinically characterized in fixed cutaneous, lymphocutaneous, disseminated cutaneous and extracutaneous. Frequently the appearance of disseminated cutaneous sporotrichosis occurs especially in immunosuppressed individuals. The four cases evaluated have as etiological agent in common, the genus Sporothrix spp., distinguishing the species, the contagion, clinical aspects and their susceptibility factors. Conclusion: However, most cases of sporotrichosis are related to a dysfunction of the immune system. As well, the unusual cases characterize a challenge to reliable diagnosis and can often lead to a wrong pharmacological therapy.

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