
Current research discusses the process of conceptual appropriation in music within the Fundamental Education system, precisely at the moment when Music becomes compulsory in school by Law 11,769 of the 18 th August 2008. A discussion is undertaken based on the presuppositions of the historical and cultural theory with regard to the constitution of empirical and theoretical musical and conceptual systems. The relevance of working with theoretical musical concepts in the schools is also justified. Although Music is an artistic activity, the appropriation of theoretical and musical concepts contributes towards the process of musical appreciation and creativity. The social and historical transformations related to the use of signs in music should be understood since the theoretical musical and conceptual system triggered significant changes in the musical appreciation and creativity in the West. Musical education in the school should not shun this fact since the appropriation of theoretical musical concepts, coupled to the development of musical perception and aesthetic appreciation, is one of its main aims.

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