
Fructose is the main source of energy for the sperm motility. The degree of fructose utilization is directly proportional to the sperm motility. It could be the cause of negative correlation between sperm motility and semen fructose level. Fructose is a source of energy for the sperm motility. A parallel set of squirrels (Funambulus pennanti) treated with high and low doses of depot medroxy progesterone acetate (Depo provera), a synthetic progesterone for short and long term duration indicated that the spermatogenic activity in the seminiferous tubules was inversely related with the concentrations of seminal fructose. Thus the seminiferous tubules showing total arrest of spermatogenesis and atrophy of Leydig cells- anazoospermic condition, a significant increase in fructose values were observed, slight increase in the fructose values were registered in the oligozoospermic condition whereas a significant decrease in the fructose values were recorded in the partial arrest of spermatogenic activity. The results were supported by the cauda epididymal sperm count, histological changes in the Leydig cells histopathological changes in seminiferous tubules.

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