
Annotation. The harmony of body proportions is one of the criteria for evaluating the development and state of health. The constitutional features of the physique become apparent from the early stages of child development: it has become especially evident in puberty life. The tendency to a particular body type is determined by heredity of the child, but seen and fixed it under the influence of environmental factors. As they grow older, the body's constitutional characteristics are fixed and occur in a relatively stable variations of the normative development of the body, called body types. To some extent, the type of Constitution of the child can be determined in 7-8 years and quite accurately – from 11-12 years old. It was found that the study of anthropo-somatic-typological indicators allows to refine diagnostic criteria in the study of menstrual function, which allows more precisely to approach the issue of early detection of risk groups and thus facilitate the prediction of diseases of the internal genital organs. The aim of the study was to predict the development of abnormal uterine bleeding in girls of puberty age of different somatotypes by studying the laws of anthropo-somatotropic parameters of the body. We used anthropometric, somatotyping and statistical methods of research. Surveyed 288 girls of youthful age. The first group consists of 58 girls from AMK, control group of 230 healthy girls of the same age. Nits on the base of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, we carried out a complete clinical and instrumental examination. Morphotype girls was determined by the method of clinical anthropometry for Sheldon. Obtained data were analyzed using the program “STATISTICA 5.5” (owned by CNIT National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, license №AXXR910A374605FA) using nonparametric methods of estimation of the obtained results. We have studied the peculiarities of anthropo-somatotropic parameters in adolescents with abnormal uterine bleeding to predict this nosology and preservation of reproductive health of women in the future. It was found that ectomorphic somatotype is present in 46.60% of girls with AMC, mesomorphic – in 31%, ectomosomorphic – in 22.40%, and endomorphic – in 0.0% (p<0.01).


  • ОРИГІНАЛЬНІ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯВже на ранніх етапах розвитку дитини стають очевидними конституційні особливості статури, а під час пубертатного періоду - чітко прослідковуються

  • The aim of the study was to predict the development of abnormal uterine bleeding in girls

  • We have studied the peculiarities of anthropo-somatotropic parameters in adolescents

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Вже на ранніх етапах розвитку дитини стають очевидними конституційні особливості статури, а під час пубертатного періоду - чітко прослідковуються. З метою прогнозування аномальних маткових кровотеч та збереження репродуктивного здоров'я жінки в майбутньому, нами вивчено особливості антропо-соматотипологічних показників у дівчат підліткового віку з даною нозологією. Що ектоморфний соматотип наявний у 46,60 % дівчат з АМК, мезоморфний - у 31 %, екто-мезоморфний - у 22,40 %, а ендоморфний - у 0,0 % (р

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