
Let k ? 2 be an integer. A function f:V(D) ? {-1,1} defined on the vertex set V(D) of a digraph D is a signed total k-independence function if ?x?N-(v)f(x) ? k - 1 for each v ? V(D), where N-(v) consists of all vertices of D from which arcs go into v. The weight of a signed total k-independence function f is defined by w(f)=?x?V(D)f(x). The maximum of weights w(f), taken over all signed total k-independence functions f on D, is the signed total k-independence number k?st(D) of D. In this work, we mainly present upper bounds on k?st(D), as for example k?st(D) ? n-2? ?- + 1-k)/2? and k?st(D)? ?+2k-?+-2/?+?+ ? n , where n is the order, ?- the maximum indegree and ?+ and ?+ are the maximum and minimum outdegree of the digraph D. Some of our results imply well-known properties on the signed total 2-independence number of graphs.

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