
Sideritis syriaca is an endemic plant in the mountains of Crete, well-known from the antiquity (Karousou R. et al., 1992). Also named Malotira, it has been used as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and analgesic agent in folk medicine (Goulas V. et al. 2014). In Romania, the Domnesc variety was created in 2019 as a result of breeding and acclimatization to S scardica. Acclimatization, identification of suitable areas for cultivation in Romania and breeding to obtain genotypes with distinct phenotypic expressiveness that meet the international norms of the DUS test are the study’s purpose. The genetic resources are from the germplasm collection of P.G.R.B. and endemic resources acquired from the area of origin and the breeding methods used are repeated individual selection followed by negative mass selection. Type E was selected from the 5 varieties obtained, based on its valuable phenotypic characteristics and good response to environmental conditions; during the three years of study, the plants were monitored, biometric measurements were performed, the culture technology was established; the observations showed an optimal evolution and development of the plants: biomass was 286 g in the first year and 1495 g in the third year. The establishment scheme of the culture was 70 cm between rows and 40 cm between plants/row. Breeding and acclimatization of the S. syriaca species to the climatic conditions of our country were achieved, conditions for the approval of a new variety were created, culture technology was developed.

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