Objective To identify the ratio of the side population (SP) of cancer stem-like cells in colon cancer cell line SW-620 and separate the SP and NSP cells, and initially identify whether the SP cells have some stem-cell bionomics. Methods SW-620 tumor cells suspension was stained with Ho-echst33342 and PI in the absence or presence of verapamil. Then the SP was analyzed by flow cytometry ( FCM). The SP and NSP cells were separated by FCM. The disparity of SP and NSP cells was detected by colon forming and cell growth plot experiment. The oncogenicity of SP cells and NSP cells was identified in nude mice. Results SP cells accounted for 0.1%-1.0% of the SW-620 cells, which were decreased to 0.01% by verapamil. 7.5 × 105 SP cells were separated by FCM. SP and NSP cells had disparity in colon forming and cell growth plot experiment. The nude mouse oncogenicity experiment revealed that the nude mice could erupt tumor by injection of 1 × 105 SP cells, but the nude mice could not erupt tumor by injection of 1 × 105 NSP cells. Conclusion Human colon cancer cell line SW-620 contains SP that can be decreased by verapamil. SP cells can be separated by FCM. SP and NSP cells have disparity in colon forming and cell growth plot experiment. The nude mouse oncogenicity experiment reveals that SP cells have a higher oncogenicity than NSP cells. Key words: Human colon Cancer; Tumor stem cells; SW-620 cells; Side population
Published Version
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