
Side by Side by Side the Evaluation of Three High Rate Process Technologies for Wet Weather TreatmentMost large combined sewer communities face significant financial investment to address wet weather compliance issues. Innovative, cost-effective methods of dealing with wet weather flows is a must to prevent spiraling rate increases for rate payers. High rate clarification and high rate filtration systems are becoming the technology of choice for treating wet weather flows. The City of Akron, Ohio...Author(s)David A. FrankThomas F. SmithSourceProceedings of the Water Environment FederationSubjectSession 87: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Processes: The Continued Search for Cost-Effective Wet Weather Treatment OptionsDocument typeConference PaperPublisherWater Environment FederationPrint publication date Jan, 2006ISSN1938-6478SICI1938-6478(20060101)2006:5L.6723;1-DOI10.2175/193864706783761428Volume / Issue2006 / 5Content sourceWEFTECFirst / last page(s)6723 - 6747Copyright2006Word count173

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