
ABSTRACT Energy simulation models are crucial to estimate the energy demand of buildings, especially for prospective planning on a district or city scale. As required input data is not available in many cases, an automated model generation workflow is needed. Existing workflows have several disadvantages, including: (i) dependence on large input datasets of existing buildings; (ii) no 3D representation to support the planning process; (iii) they are proprietary solutions. The pipeline ‘SHP2SIM’ is an open-source python pipeline enabling enrichment and generation of building energy simulation models based on little input data for district and urban scale. The pipeline is tested by simulating the heat load for a district with 27 buildings and validated for one building: R squared is 0.9825, CV(RMSE) is 22.10%, and NMBE is 4.06% on a monthly basis. To enable reproducibility and encourage open science, input data, output models, and the pipeline are openly available (https://github.com/tug-cps/shp2sim).

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