Venus is completely shrouded by optically thick clouds of sulfuric acid that are located between ~47 and 70 km. The cloud tops have been investigated through imaging, spectroscopy, and polarimetry in a broad range of wavelengths, from UV to mid-infrared, as well as in-situ measurements. For example, Ignatiev et al. (2009) studied the cloud top altitude from the depth of CO2 absorption band at 1.6 μm acquired by VIRTIS onboard Venus Express. They found that the cloud tops decreased poleward of 50° and this depression coincided with the eye of the polar vortex.Sato et al. (2020) described the dayside cloud top structure of Venus as retrieved from 93 images acquired at a wide variety of solar phase angles (0–120°) using the 2.02-μm channel of the 2-μm camera (IR2) onboard the Venus orbiter, Akatsuki, from April 4 to May 25, 2016 (Orbit #12–16). Since the 2.02-μm channel is located in a CO2 absorption band, the sunlight reflected from Venus allowed us to determine the cloud top altitude corresponding to a unit aerosol optical depth at 2.02 μm. First, the observed solar phase angle dependence and the center-to-limb variation of the reflected sunlight in the low-latitude region (30°S–30°N) were used to construct a spatially averaged cloud top structure characterized by cloud top altitude zc, Mode 2 particle radius rg,2, and cloud scale height H, which were 70.4 km, 1.06 μm, and 5.3 km, respectively. Second, cloud top altitudes at individual locations were retrieved on a pixel-by-pixel basis with an assumption that rg,2 and H were uniform for the entire planet. The latitudinal structure of the cloud top altitude was symmetric with respect to the equator. The average cloud top altitude was 70.5 km in the equatorial region and showed a gradual decrease of ~2 km by the 45° latitude. It rapidly dropped at latitudes of 50–60° and reached 61 km in latitudes of 70–75°.In this study, we focused on investigating the solar phase angle dependence of the reflected sunlight in the low-latitude region (30°S–30°N) using the complete set of 2.02-μm images: a total of 374 images taken from December 11, 2015, to October 29, 2016 were selected by carefully excluding those with saturated pixels and/or defect image tiles. In general, the reflected sunlight gets more intense as solar phase angle increases due to the forward scattering of aerosols in the atmosphere. Interestingly, the curve of the reflected sunlight in solar phase angles higher than 90° acquired in Orbit # 29–30 was approximately twice more gradual than that acquired in Orbit #11–12. Because these data were taken under the similar geometry, the difference is likely to be caused by some real variations in the cloud top structure. Such solar phase angle dependence of the reflected sunlight or brightness temperature in the same region was also studied using images taken in the same observation period but at other wavelengths: 283 nm and 365 nm from the Ultraviolet imager (UVI), 0.9 μm from the 1-μm camera (IR1), and 10 μm from the Longwave infrared camera (LIR). This multispectral comparison showed that no significant difference in the curve between Orbit #11–12 and #29–30 was detected at the wavelengths other than 2.02 μm. Wavelengths at 283 nm, 365 nm, and 0.9 μm are sensitive to optical thickness of aerosols but insensitive to their vertical distributions; therefore, vertical distributions of Modes 1 and 2 particles characterized by scale height are key parameters to make the difference in the curve of the reflected sunlight discovered from the 2.02-μm images. In addition, wavelength at 10 μm is less sensitive to Mode 1 particles because their size is small compared with wavelength. These facts imply that such difference is caused by vertical distribution of Mode 1 particles.In this presentation, we present the solar phase angle dependence of the reflected sunlight or brightness temperature using the five wavelengths of Akatsuki’s instruments. While Sato et al. (2020) reproduced the solar phase angle dependence and the center-to-limb variation of the reflected sunlight by Mode 2 particle size and its cloud scale height (common with Mode 1 particles), free parameters in this study are the scale height of Mode 1 particles (scale height of Mode 2 particle is fixed to the value used by Haus et al., 2015) and the abundance ratio of Mode 1 and 2. Trial-and-error results to reproduce the difference in the curve only obtained from the 2.02-μm images using radiative transfer calculation will be discussed.
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