
The effect of short-term and long-term root treatment with melatonin on growth parameters, photochemical activity of PSII, content of basic photosynthetic pigments, lipid peroxidation, and accumulation ofinorganic ions in barley plants under the action of cadmium chloridewas studied. It was shown for the first time that the protectiveeffect of phytomelatonin during short-term treatment is manifested ina decrease in the toxic effect of cadmium on the content ofphotosynthetic pigments and the accumulation of cadmium ions in theshoots and roots of barley plants. The protective effect of melatoninis based on its ability to reduce the intensity of oxidative stress bymaintaining the level of carotenoids and increasing the activity ofantioxidant enzymes. The effectiveness of short-term use of melatoninin a number of indicators exceeds its protective effect from long-termexposure. The data obtained indicate the possibility of usingmelatonin as a substance that induces the state of plant priming uponsubsequent exposure to cadmium.

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