
The escalating pressure for peak shaving presents a significant challenge for the power grid's operation, particularly with the rapid growth of renewable energies. Huge cascade hydropower stations (CHS) send power to the local power grid and multiple power grids via long-distance high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines, how to share hydropower flexibility for multiple power grids in peak shaving while considering constraints of hydropower and HVDC lines challenges power dispatching management. This study proposed a multiple power grids peak shaving model of cascade hydropower stations with HVDC sharing flexibility for receiving power grids. Firstly, the objective of minimizing the peak-valley difference of multiple power grids is adopted. The model then takes into account the operation constraints of CHSs and HVDC tie-lines to share hydropower flexibility. Finally, the model is transformed into a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming problem through piecewise linearization. The case studies of practical examples in southwest China show that the proposed model reduces peak-valley differences by 23.3%, 46.9%, 99.1% and 19.6%, 34.3%, 99.5% for three receiving power grids in two typical days by sharing hydropower flexibility. Moreover, adjusting the HVDC daily power regulation times and electricity deviation tolerance helps coordinate power grids to improve their peak shaving performance.

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