
Philosophers and Religious Truth. By Ninian Smart. Plato's Republic: A Philosophical Commentary. By R. C. Cross and A. D. Woozley. Ordinary Language. Essays in Philosophical Method. Edited by V. C. Chappel. Leçons sur l'Athéisme Contemporain. By Roger Verneaux. L'Homme duns le Monde. By A. Etcheverry. Philosophical Problems of Space and Time. By Adolf Grünbaum. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volume XV. The Achilli Trial, January 1852 to December 1953. Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain of the Birmingham Oratory and Vincent Ferrer Blehl, S.J. Realizations: Newman's Selection of his Parochial and Plain Sermons. Edited by Vincent Ferrer Blehl, s.j. Foreward by Muriel Spark. Søren Kierkegaard. By Peter Rohde. Translated with a foreword by Alan Moray Williams. A History of Israel. By Leonard Johnston. Patriarchs and Prophets. By Stanley Frost. The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic. By D. S. Russell. The Interpretation of the New Testament, 1861–1961. By Stephen Neill. Synopse. Vol. 1, Introduction, notes et vocabulaire, Vol. 2, Texte. By Lucien Deiss. The Humanity of Christ. By Romano Guardini. Understanding the Lord's Prayer. By Henri van den Bussche. The Primitive Church. By Maurice Goguel. Translated by H. C. Snape. L'épiscopat duns l'Église. By Paul Anciaux. La Tradition et les traditions. II, Essai théologique. By Yves M.‐J. Congar. Cosmic Theology, the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of Pseudo‐Denys, an Introduction. By Dom Denys Rutledge. Saint Augustin: Traités anti‐donatistes, Volume 2. Traduction de G. Finaert, introduction et notes par G. Bavaud. William of Auxerre's Theology of the Hypostatic Union. By Walter Henry Principe. Luoghi di Sun Tommaso. By Angelus Walz, o.p. The Reformation. By Owen Chadwick. Roman Catholicism. By Sebastian Bullough, o.p.

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