
Book Reviews in this Article:Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelofthe SCHOOLS. By Jacques Maritain.The Wordsofthe Missal. By C. C. Martindale,Johnsonand Queeny : Lettersfrom DR. Johnsonto Queeny Thrale. From the Bowood Papers. Edited by the Marquis of Lansdowne.The Catholic Land Movement. Its Motives : by Fr. Vincent McNabb, O.P., S.T.M. Its Aims and Methods : by Commander Herbert Shove, D.S.O., R.N.The Historyofthe Popesfromthecloseofthe Middle Ages. By Ludwig von Pastor. Edited by R. F. KerrDe Dimissione Religiosorm. By P. Joseph Palombo, C.SS.R.Manuale De Ecclesiarm Rectoribus. By Laurentus M. Agius, O.E.S.A.An Introductionto Philosophy. By Jacques Maritain. Translated by E. I. Watkin.St. Philip Neriandthe Roman Societyof His Times. By L. Ponnelle and L. Bordet. Translated by R. F. KerrIntroductionsin Sacros Utriusque Testamenti Libros Compendium. Auctore P. Hildebrando Höpfl, O.S.B. Vols. II‐III, Introductio Specialis in V. et N. Testamenta, Editio tertia.Contemporory Church History. ByThe Doctrineofthe Mystical Bodyof Christaccordingtothe Principlesofthe Theology Of St. Thomas.The Wayofthe Cross. By Romano Guardini.Life of Saint John Eudes. By Heirri Joly. Translated by Rev. Joseph Leonard, C.M.Blessed Louis‐Marie Grignonde Montfort. By Georges Rigault. Translated by C. M. D. B.Florilegium Patristicum:Divisio Schematica Summab Theologicae S. Thomae Aquinatisac Tertiam Partem Supplyement. Ad Usum Professorum atque Studentium. By Fr. Gerard M. Paris, O.P.Goldor God? By H. M. Capes.The Budofthe Spring. By Mary Frances McHugh.Lyrical Poems. By James Steel.Vincent McNabb

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